Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Facebook ruining relationships

Would you delete your husband/wife as your friend on fb because your protecting them? Please check out the article and let us know if you were this gentleman would you have done the same thing? Is fB causing couples to be at bitter ends with each and not communicate with each other unless its on FB? Let us here your POV on this topic this evening.

New Breed of Children

Are the kids today more violent, disrespectful and angry? When you turn on the news you hear more about someone's child killing, robbing, destroying something more so than positive media about our children. What ever happened to "it takes a village to raise a child? Is generation X being set up for failure?

Is it better to meet a man while out by yourself or in a group?

{Question} If a women goes out alone to a bar, club she more likely to be approached by a man or several men for that matter, because she's alone and not around a group of women? Are men really intimidated by the "girlfriend groups"( the ladies who hang out all the time together at the club, bar etc..) Do mean feel pressured to talk a women with a group of ladies? Men do tell

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who's to Blame?

Message! DL brotha's aren't responsible for passing on HIV & AIDS to our women; it's the heterosexual men who are responsible for it. Can it be that your man isn't on the DL he just careless with his pecker? Who's to blame for the high rate of HIV & AIDS amongst the AA community? DL brotha's or Heterosexual brotha's